2015年6月1日 星期一

Dermastir Pre-Op Heating Exfoliating Mask深層清潔熱能面膜

呢排有好多客人問我有冇啲又方便又乾淨又唔乾嘅深層清潔面膜,以前通常用泥,因效果都係一般啦!唔係好特別。今日我去返學,影左一張相,放大左黎睇,嘩!!!救命!!!好多黑頭同油脂!點算呢!之後老師介紹其中一隻產品,話係Heating Mask, 敷完會吸走多餘油份,黑頭都會跑出來。我心諗:咁勁!! 都唔知係咪,見唔係貴就買包返屋企試下啦!
用法: 潔面後,用棉濕了要敷面膜的地方,原本我淨係敷鼻哥,但我洗完面後,竟然發現下巴好"孩",好多粒粒,咁我就順便敷埋黎試下效果啦!只需薄薄搽上,你立即會感到面膜有微微發熱,待10-15分鐘後,用水濕手在面膜上打圈或用濕棉花抹走。抹乾淨後,除咗冇晒啲油光,連黑頭和下巴果啲粒粒,都部都唔見晒,滑溜溜的啊!!!真係乾淨到飛起!!!但切記,敏感位置不可用,因為係發發面膜,會令敏感位置更加敏感的。只敷黑頭,粉刺,暗瘡,油脂粒等位置。如果成面都係暗瘡,咁就成面敷啦!
此產品一包15g, 如全面敷可用5-7次,如部分使用,可以用好多好多次喇!

特價: $178
VIP :$140

P.s. 我個女見我做完之後,乾淨都不得了,就係咁要我幫佢做,我唔肯,我要佢考試完成先幫佢做!!!等佢比心機溫書嘛!!!

Dermastir Heating Exfoliating Pre-op Masks are immediately ready-to-use pre-op facial scrubs. The heating effect of the Dermastir Exfoliating Scrub supports the ingredients’ activity while opening up the pores; the active ingredients are selected for their soft scrubbing action. In addition to their delicate exfoliating activity, cranberries act in synergy with kaolin for a skin’s deeper cleansing. Associated with the oil of grape’s seeds, they fight effectively the major signs of skin ageing. The cranberries used have high ORAC (Oxygen radical absorbance capacity) values and Dermastir cleansing scrub has excellent anti-oxidant properties.

Cranberry coloured cream with microgranules. 3 in 1 monodose sachet = Heating + Scrub + Cleansing Mask

- This product is used in the beginning of the treatment and the continuous heating   effect leaves a good impression on the client as from the start.
- Effective drainage of the impurities is visibly seen and if the heating mask is massaged it does not penetrate in the skin even if one uses mechanical brushes.
- The gentle exfloliation in combination with the heating mask gives excellent results in removing the dead cells allowing the aesthetic and medical practitioner to work better.

Zeolite : Heating occlusive properties
Cranberry bioflavonoids : Purifying, antiseptic
Micronised cranberries : Scrub exfoliant

Cleanse the face and leave the face wet. Apply the mask on the whole face. Leave the mask to perform its function for 10 minutes. Remove with a wet sponge.

Monodose sachet 15g
Avoid light, heat and humidity.
DLU : 24 months maximum.

歡迎預約做Facial : 6628 4883
 (Mon~sun 11:00 - 11:00)
元朗錦田吉慶圍 (蔡菜館對面 or錦田 紅磚屋斜對面)

